Friday, February 22, 2008

My present from Ruth

As I sent a present for Ruth (the embroidery pouch), I also received one last week. I have been a bit busy with the school holidays, and not written much, but here is what it looks like. I am very lucky indeed.

There are some stamps, some very nice ribbons, and some fabric pumpkins or flowers. Ruth suggested that I sewed them on a pin to make a corsage (une broche).

In the background are two pillow cases with the words "Doux reves" and "Chut je dors" stamped on them. It was my husband who pointed to me that they were hand printed. Such a nice attention.

Look at the green color in the back, it comes from the last thing I mention in this blog, but i can't get the color on close up photos.

There were also some very nice postcards, that make you want to go and visit Jerusalem, where Ruth lives. It is such an important place in the history of humanity that I hope to be able to go and visit some time.

And some little treats, but I cannot tell you their names as they are written in hebrew.

She also made a butterfly in mosaic, and offered me a bracelet in shells with some home fragrance. She seems to be so talented.

And then there are some spices to use with fromage frais, salads or Houmous. I have to try them, the smell is quite strong from the packet.

But wait for the best of all, she embroidered a table top (une nappe). It is about 2metres square, the fabric is green and she painted and embroidered some lilac flowers and leaves.

The photo doesn't give it justice, the colors don't appear as nice as in reality. I have just been out in the garden to try to get a better light, but it doesn't work, nor does my daylight lamp bring the color out. I need some sun but it is not on for today.

This last photo is the best I can do. The petals are painted and the hearts of the flowers are made from french knots. The leaves are made with some stem stitches.

Ruth is hoping to have a blog soon, I'll tell you when this happens.

Thank you again for a very nice present.

In the meantime if somebody has some tips to get better photos, I would be very grateful for any help.


Anonymous said...

Tu as été très gatée, et cette nappe est superbe, bravo à Ruth, pour cette belle broderie
a bientôt

Anonymous said...

Tu as été trés gatée, c'est génial. Bises ,zaza.

Anonymous said...

Je trouve qu'elle t'a gâtée!
j'aime beaucoup la mosaïque en papillon.
Pour la sucrerie, c'est du halva (pâte de graines de sésames sucrée). Il en existe à la vanille, au chocolat, aux pistaches, aux noix.
Sur la grande carte Hello Israel, ce sont les lettres de l'alphabet en hébreu.
Le mélange de la broderie et de la peinture est bien vue.
Et pour le zaatar, je te copie sa composition et une recette que j'avais mise sur mon blog:
Zaatar israélien: thym moulu + hysope + pois chiches en poudre et graines de sésame à griller.

Recette sympa au Zaatar pour l'été:

"Salade de Feta au Zaatar"

100 g de Feta (fromage grecque)
Feuilles de salade
2 tomates
Huile d'olive
zeste de citron

Coupez le fromage feta grecque en cubes, les tomates en dés, les feuilles de salade en lamelles.
Rajoutez un peu d'huile d'olive, du sel, le zaatar et un peu de zeste de citron, mélangez. A servir frais!
