Saturday, September 20, 2008

How to cover your measuring tape

You might remember that I have done some covered measuring tapes in the past. I wrote the explanations for our group meeting of the "Golden Lion Quilters", and am very happy to share them with you.

They are not new but it is always nice to customise the objects in your sewing bag or box.

If you have one of these self retractable measuring tapes, and find it a bit boring, this is a fast project to transform it into a very special part of your sewing kit. And after that you might even do some matching items, like a pin cushion, a needle holder, or a little tag on your scissors…

You will need:
- a retractable sewing tape,
- some fabric to cover the front, back and the side, left overs are perfect,
- some wadding or batting, very small quantities indeed,
- embroidery or quilting thread in a matching color,
- sewing kit.

1- First make a pattern for the shape of your tape. Note if it is symmetrical or not (square, round or odd shape in which case you will need to reverse you pattern later). Just draw the shape on a piece of paper, and cut it on the line.

2- Cut this shape twice in wadding, and twice in fabric after adding a sewing allowance of a generous ¼”.
Measure the length and width of the side of the tape ( and yes you can use the tape to do exactly that). Cut the wadding to that size, and the fabric once with seam allowance all around.

3- Next you will need to quilt the fabric with the corresponding pieces of batting. Don’t forget to reverse the shapes if you need to.
You end up with 3 parts to make the cover.

4- And finally you will sew the pieces together. Check from time to time that your work fits your tape measure. Start with one face and the side, you might have to sew a round shape, or a square, etc… just take your time.

Then sew the second face, and don’t forget to put the measuring tape in. Hide your knot at the end.

Bravo you have just finished your first covered measuring tape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the steps in the tutorial. I missed the class that offered this in our area and they are not repeating this so I am glad that I finally got to your site on this!!!!