Sunday, January 27, 2008

Quilting Bee shop, near San Francisco

While in America, dear Husband bought me some fabric in a shop, and he also took some photos for my blog.

Why are US shops so big, and our shops in Europe so small, be it France or England. Even the oldest shop in the centre of Paris would be tiny in comparison.

It means we get less choice as well for the fabric, and the prices are higher. Would bigger shops be better for their own business or have they no chance of surviving here.

I must say that I know a few people who will spend many hours working on a project, but will not invest in nice fabric. The result is not
as nice, but they don't want to pay the price of the fabric.

Look at this place, there are hidden corners with more fabric everywhere. It's paradise...

And at the end DH paid half of what I would have paid in Europe.

As we are going with all the family at Easter, I will have to make sure half my suitcase is empty on the way, and full when we come back.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Pascale, tu as raison si seulement on avait des magasins de tissus comme ca en UK ou France. Merci encore pour tes conseils, je reviens juste de Paris et j'ai trouve le tissu liberty en question, Reine et Bouchara avaient aussi des soldes tres interessantes.

Anonymous said...

Ohlàlà, c'est le rêve cet endroit. Bisous,zaza.

Anonymous said...

Tout est grand aux States...dommage j'etais a SF l'an dernier je l'ai pas vu celui la